News bits. Jane Austen weekend is unavoidable delayed, perhaps til next year. For me, this is just as well, (although I regret any bad thing that happened to cause organizers to cancel). I forced myself to do my taxes when I wasn’t in the mood, just because the clock was ticking, and it was a disaster. This week I was set to force myself to sew two period gowns, because the clock was ticking, but I was worried I would sew badly. So the delay is a good thing for me. I am sure I will feel more ready to tackle this in the near future.
We had a lovely Bookclub meeting this week – our last of the season. At the last meeting, which is always in a restaurant and is always a giggle-a-thon, we chose next season’s books. To see what we are up to in next winter’s reading, see 2014 – 2015 Booklist. I am happy with the list. Some new fiction, some old fiction, one historical fiction, and two, count ’em two non-fiction (my favourites) and one of them my suggestion. So I get to host, which I am happy to do how that my reno is done, but where will I find enough comfy chairs for the 11 intrepid readers ? Well, I have a few months to figure that out.
I can now understand all the blogs that do not allow comments. I have gotten lots of comments submitted on my blog entries, but only one that actually had anything to do with the blog entry. All the rest were from robot people soliciting business or trying to get their SEO level enhanced by placing their website address on another site, however inappropriate the placement. Pathetic. And since all comments have to be monitored, it’s a nuisance and daily disappointment.